How do you add in base-12?Addition in Base Twelve

How do you add in base-12?Addition in Base Twelve

What is base-12 addition ?How do you add in base-12? In decimal base, we write all whole numbers using the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and the position of each digit in the writing indicates the number of units, tens, hundreds, and so on.

Example: 156 = 1×10×10 + 5×10 + 6

156 is 1 ten of tens, 5 tens, and 6 units.

In base twelve, we write all integers using twelve ‘digits’: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, and the position of each digit in the writing indicates the number of units, dozens, hundreds of dozens, and so on.

We use A to represent ten and B to represent eleven.

Writing numbers in base twelve, examples:

12 = 1×12 + 0, so twelve is 1 dozen and 0 units in base twelve.

13 = 1×12 + 1, so thirteen is 1 dozen and 1 unit in base twelve.

22 = 1×12 + 10, so twenty-two is 1 dozen and ten units in base twelve.

24 = 2×12 + 0, so twenty-four is 2 dozens and 0 units in base twelve.

145 = 144 + 1 = 1×12×12 + 0×12 + 1. One hundred forty-five is 1 dozen of dozens, 0 dozens, and 1 unit in base twelve.

563 = 3×12×12 + 10×12 + 11. Five hundred sixty-three is 3 dozens of dozens, A dozens, and B units in base twelve.

What is Base-12?How does the base-12 system work?

In our everyday life, we use the decimal system, which is based on ten digits (0-9). However, there are other numerical systems, and one of the most intriguing is base-12(Duodecimal). In base-12, we use twelve different symbols: 0-9 and two additional symbols, typically represented as A and B. This might sound complex, but it’s a remarkable way to look at numbers.


The base-12 system has twelve unique digits. After counting from 0 to 9, it uses the letters A and B to represent ten and eleven, respectively.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B

Place Values

Similar to the decimal system, the base-12 system uses place values to represent numbers. Each position from right to left represents a power of twelve.

Units place: 12^0 = 1

Dozens place: 12^1 = 12

Gross (twelves of dozens) place: 12^2 = 144

Great gross (twelves of gross) place: 12^3 = 1,728

And so on…


Counting in base-12 works just like counting in base-10. When you reach the last digit (B), you carry over to the next position, just as we do with base-10 counting when we reach 9.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, 10 (eleven), 11 (twelve), 12 (one dozen), 13 (one dozen and one), and so on.

Arithmetic Operations

Basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are performed in base-12 similarly to base-10. You need to carry over when the sum exceeds eleven.

For example, adding 7B (base-12) and 35 (base-12) involves carrying over as shown in previous responses.


Base-12 has some advantages in certain applications. For instance, it has more factors than base-10, which can simplify fractions and division. This feature makes it useful in various fields, including mathematics, measurement systems, and music theory.


While base-12 is not commonly used in everyday life, it has historical and niche applications. It has been proposed as an alternative to the decimal system in various contexts, but its adoption remains limited.

The base-12 system has a number of advantages over the base-10 system. For example, 12 is a more evenly divisible number than 10, so it is easier to perform calculations in base-12. Additionally, the base-12 system is more compatible with our system of weights and measures, since many common units, such as inches, feet, and ounces, are divisible by 12.

However, the base-10 system is the more widely used system, so it is generally easier to find calculators and other tools that support base-10 arithmetic.

How to Add in Base-12 (Duodecimal)

Adding numbers in base-12 is similar to adding in base-10 (decimal), but you have to carry over to the next place value when the sum exceeds 11 because there are 12 digits in base-12. Here’s how you add numbers in base-12 step by step:

Let’s say we want to add two base-12 numbers: A and B.

  1. Start by adding the rightmost digits (the units place). If the sum is less than 12, write it down as the rightmost digit of the result.
  2. If the sum is 12 or greater, you need to carry over to the next place value. For example, if the sum is 14, you write down 2 in the units place of the result and carry over 1 to the next place value.
  3. Move to the next place value (tens place), add the digits in this place, and include any carry-over from the previous step. Repeat the process of writing down the rightmost digit of the sum and carrying over if necessary.
  4. Continue this process for each place value, moving from right to left until you have added all the digits.
  5. If there’s still a carry-over after adding the leftmost digits, include it as the leftmost digit of the result.

Examples that Illuminate

Let’s dive into some examples to illustrate how base-12 addition works:

Example 1: 7B + 35 in Base-12

To add 7B (base-12) and 35 (base-12), you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with the rightmost digit, the units place:B (11 in base-10) + 5 (5 in base-10) = 16 (in base-10).
  2. In base-12, 16 is equivalent to 1 dozen (12) and 4 units (4). Write down the 4 in the units place of the result.
  3. Move to the next place value, the dozens place:7 (7 in base-10) + 3 (3 in base-10) + 1 (carry-over from the units place) = 11 (in base-10).
  4. In base-12, 11 is simply 11. Write down 11 in the dozens place of the result.

So, 7B (base-12) + 35 (base-12) equals 114 (base-12).

Example 2: 4B + A3 in Base-12

  1. Start with the rightmost digit, which is the units place:B (11 in base-10) + 3 (3 in base-10) = 14 (in base-10).
  2. In base-12, 14 is equivalent to 1 dozen (12) and 2 units (2).
  3. Now, move to the next place value, which is the dozens place:4 (4 in base-10) + A (10 in base-10) + 1 (carry-over from the units place) = 15 (in base-10).
  4. In base-12, 15 is equivalent to 1 dozen (12) and 3 units (3).

So, the sum of 4B (base-12) and A3 (base-12) is 132 (base-12).


Why Base-12 Matters? Application of Addition in base twelve

You might be wondering why you should bother with base-12 addition. Well, besides being a fascinating intellectual exercise, it has practical applications in fields like computer science and engineering. It challenges your brain to think beyond the ordinary, fostering creativity and adaptability.

Addition in base twelve (duodecimal) is a versatile mathematical operation with a variety of applications in fields such as computer science, mathematics, music, and measurement.

In computer science, hexadecimal (base-16) and octal (base-8) systems are more common for representing data. However, some applications and programming languages may benefit from using base-12 for specific tasks, particularly when handling hardware-level operations or certain mathematical algorithms.Because it is divisible by 2, 3, and 4, which are all important numbers in computing. For example, the base twelve number system is used in the Intel 4004 microprocessor, the first commercial microprocessor.

In mathematics, base twelve can be used to solve a variety of problems, such as calculating fractions and percentages. For example, the base twelve number system can be used to calculate the fraction 1/3 in a more straightforward way than the base ten number system.

In music, base twelve can be used to represent musical notes and chords. For example, the base twelve number system can be used to represent the twelve notes of the chromatic scale.

In measurement, base twelve can be used to measure distances, weights, and other quantities. For example, the base twelve number system can be used to measure the distance between two stars in light-years.

Some specific examples of how addition in base twelve can be used in the real world:

  • A software engineer can use addition in base twelve to calculate the memory address of a variable in a computer program.
  • A mathematician can use addition in base twelve to prove a theorem or solve a complex equation.
  • A musician can use addition in base twelve to compose or perform music in a different key.
  • A cartographer can use addition in base twelve to calculate the longitude and latitude of a location on Earth.

Overall, addition in base twelve is a powerful and flexible mathematical operation with a wide range of applications. It is a valuable tool for people who work in a variety of fields, including computer science, mathematics, music, and measurement.

The Art of Learning Base-12 Addition Fast

Base-12 addition is a skill that can be learned quickly and easily, but it takes practice to become truly proficient at it. Here are a few tips to help you learn base-12 addition fast:

  • Understand the concept of place value. In base-12, each digit has a different value depending on its position in the number. For example, the digit in the rightmost column represents the number of units, the digit in the next column represents the number of dozens, and so on.
  • Learn the basic addition facts. Once you understand place value, you can start learning the basic addition facts up to 11 + 11. It is helpful to memorize these facts so that you can quickly add two numbers together without having to think about it.
  • Practice carrying over. When adding two base-12 numbers, you may need to carry over digits from one column to the next. For example, if you are adding 11 + 11, you will need to carry over the 1 to the next column because the sum of the digits in the rightmost column is 12.
  • Use shortcuts. There are a few shortcuts that you can use to make base-12 addition faster. For example, if you are adding two numbers that both end in 0, you can simply add the digits of the same place value and then add the 0 to the end of the sum.
  • Use a systematic approach. When learning a new skill, it is important to have a systematic approach. This means breaking down the skill into smaller steps and then practicing each step individually. For example, you could start by learning the addition facts for single digits, then move on to addition facts for double digits, and so on.
  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to learn everything at once. Set small, achievable goals for yourself and then gradually work towards them. For example, you could set a goal of learning five new addition facts per day.
  • Get feedback. Once you have practiced a particular step, get feedback from a teacher, tutor, or friend. This will help you to identify any areas where you need additional practice.
  • Be patient. Learning a new skill takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t master base-12 addition overnight. Just keep practicing and you will eventually reach your goal.

Learning base-12 addition can be a fun and rewarding experience. With a little practice, you can become proficient at it and learn to add base-12 numbers quickly and easily.

Addition in base twelve worksheets

Problem: Add A5 (base-12) and 68 (base-12).


  • Units Place: 5 (5 in base-10) + 8 (8 in base-10) = 13 (in base-10).In base-12, 13 is equivalent to 1 dozen (12) and 1 unit (1).
  • Tens Place: A (10 in base-10) + 6 (6 in base-10) + 1 (carry-over from units place) = 17 (in base-10).In base-12, 17 is equivalent to 1 dozen (12) and 5 units (5).

Answer: A5 (base-12) + 68 (base-12) = 151 (base-12)

Problem: Add 4A (base-12) and 2B (base-12).


  • Units Place: A (10 in base-10) + B (11 in base-10) = 21 (in base-10).In base-12, 21 is equivalent to 1 dozen (12) and 9 units (9).
  • Tens Place: 4 (4 in base-10) + 2 (2 in base-10) +1 = 7 (in base-10).In base-12, 7 is simply 7.

Answer: 4A (base-12) + 2B (base-12) = 79 (base-12)


Problem : Add 99 (base-12) and A1 (base-12).

Solution : Let’s add the numbers step by step:

  • Units Place: 9 (base-10) + 1 (base-10) = 10 (base-10).In base-12, 10 is equivalent to 1 dozen and 0 units. Write down 0 in the units place of the result.
  • Dozens Place: 9 (base-10) + A (base-10) + 1 (carry-over from units place) = 20 (base-10).In base-12, 20 is equivalent to 1 dozen and 8 units. Write down 8 in the dozens place of the result.

So, 99 (base-12) + A1 (base-12) equals 180 (base-12).


Problem : Add 6A (base-12) and B4 (base-12).

Solution : Let’s add the numbers step by step:

  1. Units Place: A (base-10) + 4 (base-10) = 14 (base-10).In base-12, 14 is equivalent to 1 dozen and 2 units. Write down 2 in the units place of the result.
  2. Dozens Place: 6 (base-10) + 11 (base-10) + 1 (carry-over from units place) = 18 (base-10).In base-12, 18 is equivalent to 1 dozen and 6 units. Write down B in the dozens place of the result.

So, 6A (base-12) + B4 (base-12) equals 162 (base-12).


Problem : Add 85 (base-12) and 2A (base-12).

Solution : Let’s add the numbers step by step:

  • Units Place: 5 (base-10) + A (base-10) = 15 (base-10).In base-12, 15 is equivalent to 1 dozen and 3 units. Write down 3 in the units place of the result.
  • Dozens Place: 8 (base-10) + 2 (base-10) + 1 (carry-over from units place) = 11(base-10).In base-12, 11 is equivalent to 1 dozen and 0 units. Add this to the 1 dozen from the units place.

So, 85 (base-12) + 2A (base-12) equals 113 (base-12).

How do you add in base-12?
How do you add in base-12?

From base-12 addition to Arithmetic course

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