Worksheets on Matrix Multiplication For Beginner to Learn Math Fast

Worksheets on Matrix Multiplication For Beginner to Learn Math Fast

Bellow are several matrix multiplication worksheets along with the answers. These worksheets will help you practice this operation for learning math fast. Each worksheet includes a set of matrices to be multiplied, and the answers are provided for easy reference.

Worksheets on matrix multiplication of the same size

Matrix Multiplication (2×2)

1.Matrix A=
| 2  3 |
| 1  4 |

Matrix B=
| 5 6 |
| 7 8 |

Calculate the product of matrices A and B.

Matrix C (A * B):

| 31   36 |
| 33  38 |

2.Matrix P=
| -1   0 |
| 2    3 |

Matrix Q=
| 4    -2 |
| 1      0 |

Compute the product of matrices P and Q.

Matrix R (P * Q):
| -1    0 |
| 11  -4 |

Matrix Multiplication (3×3)

1.Matrix A=
| 2  4  1 |
| 5  3  6 |
| 7  9  8 |

Matrix B=
| 10  11  12 |
| 3     7    4 |
| 8     6   9 |

Multiply A by B

Calculate the resulting matrix C = A * B.

Multiply B by A

Calculate the resulting matrix D = B * A.


C = A B
| 55      67    59 |
| 104  116   120|
| 207  229 204|

D = B A
| 154   208  225|
| 80     96     83 |
| 139   171    167|

2.Matrix X=
| 4   7   2 |
| 1   5   3 |
| 6  2    9 |

Matrix Y=
| 2   1   3 |
| 4   6   5 |
| 7   0   2 |

Calculate the resulting matrix Z = X * Y.

| 47    45    59 |
| 31    29    38 |
| 80   64    79 |

3.Matrix P=
| 3   2  1 |
| 0  4  5 |
| 2   1  6 |

Matrix Q=
| 2   3  0 |
| 1   2   1 |
| 4   0  2 |

Calculate the resulting matrix R = P * Q.

| 11  13    7 |
| 26 23 18 |
| 17 22  15 |

4.Matrix M=
| 5   2   1 |
| 3   6  4 |
| 2   1   7 |

Matrix N=
| 1   0   2 |
| 4   3   5 |
| 2   1   0 |

Calculate the resulting matrix O = M * N.


| 23  17  27 |
| 34  27 49 |
| 17   10  31 |

These worksheets offer a range of same sizes matrix multiplication problems for students to practice. Encourage them to follow the systematic approach discussed earlier to avoid errors and ensure accurate results.

Worksheets on matrix multiplication of different sizes

 2×2 Matrix Multiplication

1. Multiply the elements of the rows in the first matrix with the corresponding elements in the columns of the second matrix.
2. Add the products to get the entries of the resulting matrix.

Matrix A=
| 3   1 |
| 2  4 |

Matrix B=
| 5  2 |
| 6  7 |

Calculate A * B=

| 3*5+1*6      3*2+1*7 |
| 2*5+4*6     2*2+4*7 |

 2×3 Matrix Multiplication

Matrix C=
| 2   0  3 |
| 1   5   2 |

Matrix D=
| 4  1 |
| 6  7 |
| 3  2 |

Calculate C * D=

| 2*4+0*6+3*3     2*1+0*7+3*2 |
| 1*4+5*6+2*3       1*1+5*7+2*2 |

3×2 Matrix Multiplication

Matrix E=
| 1 2 |
| 3 4 |
| 5 6 |

Matrix F=
| 2 1 |
| 4 3 |

Calculate E * F=

| 1*2+2*4    1*1+2*3 |
| 3*2+4*4   3*1+4*3 |
| 5*2+6*4   5*1+6*3 |

 3×3 Matrix Multiplication

Matrix G=
| 2  3 1 |
| 0 4 2 |
| 5  1 3 |

Matrix H=
| 1 2 3 |
| 4 0 1 |
| 2 3 4 |

Calculate G * H=


| 2*1+3*4+1*2     2*2+3*0+1*3      2*3+3*1+1*4 |
| 0*1+4*4+2*2    0*2+4*0+2*3     0*3+4*1+2*4 |
| 5*1+1*4+3*2     5*2+1*0+3*3       5*3+1*1+3*4 |

These worksheets offer practice with matrix multiplication of different sizes. Following the steps outlined in the instructions will help students perform accurate calculations and understand the process clearly.

Worksheet on Matrix Multiplication with an Artistic Twist


This worksheet is designed to help you practice matrix multiplication while incorporating your artistic skills.Follow the instructions provided for each question and create a visual representation of the resulting matrix using the specified art style.

Make sure to perform the matrix calculations accurately and then translate the numerical results into your artistic creation.Use clear and concise instructions to ensure accuracy and creativity in your work.

1.Cubist Creations
Matrices: A = | 2 3 |, B = | 4 1 |

Art Style:Cubism
1. Multiply matrices A and B using the matrix multiplication process.
2. The resulting matrix will have two entries. Translate these numerical values into abstract geometric shapes, inspired by the Cubist art movement.
3. Use lines, angles, and shapes to represent the values in an artistic composition.

2.Pointillist Patterns
Matrices: A = | 5 3 |, B = | 3 6 |

Art Style: Pointillism
1. Calculate the matrix multiplication of A and B.
2. Translate the resulting matrix’s entries into color-coded dots.
3. Create a pointillist-style artwork by placing these dots on a canvas, using different colors to represent the numerical values.

3.Pixel Art Masterpiece
Matrices: A = | 1 0 |, B = | 0 1 |

Art Style: Pixel Art
1. Multiply matrices A and B.
2. The result will be a diagonal matrix. Convert the diagonal entries into a pixel art creation.
3. Each entry represents a color value. Design a pixel art image using these color codes for each pixel.

4.Abstract Expressionism
Matrices: A = | 2 4 |, B = | 3 1 |

Art Style:Abstract Expressionism
1. Perform matrix multiplication for A and B.
2. Convert the resulting matrix’s entries into abstract shapes and forms that convey emotions and energy, similar to Abstract Expressionist artwork.

5.Op-Art Illusion
Matrices: A = | 2 1 |, B = | 0 3 |

Art Style: Op-Art
1. Calculate the matrix product of A and B.
2. Translate the numerical results into patterns of lines and shapes that create optical illusions, inspired by Op-Art.
3. Design an artwork that appears to move or create depth using your Op-Art interpretation.

Several additional tipss that you can add to the worksheet:

  • Explain the concept of matrix multiplication in words.
  • Provide examples of matrix multiplication.
  • Have students practice matrix multiplication on their own.
  • Allow students to create their own artwork to represent matrix multiplication.

This worksheet is a fun way to learn about matrix multiplication and to practice your math skills. It is also a great way to combine art and math.


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