Negative matrix – Definition ,Examples ,Math Tricks & Worksheets

Negative matrix – Definition ,Examples ,Math Tricks & Worksheets

We will discuss about Negative Matrix.

What is a Negative Matrix?

Negative matrix refers to the mathematical operation of multiplying a matrix by -1, effectively changing the sign of each element within the matrix. This operation is also known as scalar multiplication because you’re multiplying the entire matrix by a scalar, which in this case is -1.

Mathematically, if you have a matrix A with elements aij, then the negative matrix of A, denoted as -A, is obtained by multiplying each element by -1:

-A = (-1) * A = |-aij|

The result is a matrix with the same dimensions as the original matrix, but with all its elements negated.

Here’s an example to illustrate negative matrix:

Original Matrix A:
| 2 5 |
| 3 7 |

Negative Matrix -A:
| -2 -5 |
| -3 -7 |

In this example, each element of matrix A has been multiplied by -1 to create the negative matrix -A.

More examples of negative matrices to help you understand the concept better:

Original Matrix B:
| 4 -1 |
| 0.5 2 |

Negative Matrix -B:
| -4 1 |
| -0.5 -2 |

Original Matrix C:
| -3 0 2 |
| 7 -4 1 |

Negative Matrix -C:
| 3 0 -2 |
| -7 4 -1 |

Original Matrix D:
| -2 -6 |
| 1 0 |
| 3 -5 |

Negative Matrix -D:
| 2 6 |
| -1 0 |
| -3 5 |

Original Matrix E:
| -8 -2 |
| 0 3 |
| -1 7 |

Negative Matrix -E:
| 8 2 |
| 0 -3 |
| 1 -7 |

Negative matrix are essentially about changing the sign of each element within a matrix. They’re commonly used in various mathematical operations and concepts within linear algebra, providing a versatile tool for performing calculations and transformations.


How negative matrices are used in the real world

One of the most common uses of negative matrices is in cryptography. Negative matrices can be used to create trapdoor functions, which are functions that are easy to encrypt but difficult to decrypt without the correct key. This can be used to create secure encryption algorithms.

Negative matrices can also be used in signal processing. Signal processing is the process of analyzing and manipulating signals, such as audio and video signals. Negative matrices can be used to filter signals, which is the process of removing unwanted noise from a signal. This can be used to improve the quality of audio and video recordings.

In machine learning, negative matrices can be used to train machine learning models. Machine learning models are computer programs that can learn to perform tasks without being explicitly programmed. Negative matrices can be used to train machine learning models to recognize patterns in data and to make predictions. This can be used to develop applications such as facial recognition and spam filtering.

Negative matrices can also be used in economics. Economists use matrices to model economic systems, such as the stock market and the economy as a whole. Negative matrices can be used to model economic shocks, such as recessions and financial crises. This can be used to predict future trends and to make informed decisions about investments and policies.

Finally, negative matrices can be used in physics. Physics is the study of matter and energy. Negative matrices can be used to model physical systems, such as the behavior of waves and particles. This can be used to understand the properties of materials and to develop new technologies.

These are just a few examples of how negative matrices are used in the real world. As a versatile and powerful tool, negative matrices can be used to solve a variety of problems in a variety of fields.

Math Tricks to Learn Negative Matrices Fast

Negative matrices are a type of matrix that has negative values in it. They can be a bit tricky to learn at first, but there are a few tricks that can help you understand them faster.

Visualizing Opposites

Think of negative matrices as opposites. Just like negative numbers represent values in the opposite direction on the number line, negative matrices are like mirrors of their positive counterparts.

Flipping Signs

Mentally flip the signs of all the elements in the matrix. This transforms positive numbers to negative and vice versa. This trick works particularly well with matrices that have only numbers and no variables.

Use a color-coding system

One way to make negative matrices easier to understand is to use a color-coding system. For example, you could use red for negative values and green for positive values. This will help you quickly identify the negative values in a matrix, which can make it easier to do calculations with them.

Start with small matrices

It can be helpful to start with small matrices, such as 2×2 matrices. This will make it easier to visualize the negative values and to do calculations with them.

Use a mnemonic device

Mnemonic devices are memory aids that can help you remember things more easily. There are a few mnemonic devices that you can use to remember the rules for negative matrices. For example, you could use the acronym SWAN, which stands for “Subtracting When Adding Negatives.” This mnemonic device will help you remember that when you add two negative matrices, you need to subtract their values.

Subtraction Connection

Connect negative matrices with subtraction. When you subtract a matrix from another, it’s akin to adding the negative of the second matrix. This helps link the idea of negative matrices with familiar subtraction.

Adding the Opposite

For a square matrix A, to find its negative -A, simply add A to itself (A + A). Each element becomes its opposite, making it a quick way to generate the negative matrix.

Working with Zero Matrix

A zero matrix (all elements are 0) is its own negative. This is because adding any matrix to its negative should give you the zero matrix.

Changing Directions

Remember that when you multiply a matrix by -1, you change the direction of all the elements. Think of this as “flipping” the matrix around.

Visual Clues

Draw matrices as grids and visualize them as geometric transformations. A negative matrix reflects points across the origin, just like a mirror reflection.

Cancelling Signs

When multiplying two negative matrices, the negative signs “cancel out,” resulting in a positive product matrix. This can help reinforce the understanding of negative matrix multiplication.

Focus on Rows or Columns

When dealing with a matrix with variables, you can focus on individual rows or columns. This simplifies calculations and allows you to focus on the sign change.

Think in Real-World Terms

Relate negative matrices to real-world scenarios. For instance, in physics, negative matrices can represent quantities that have reversed directions.

Practice regularly

The best way to learn negative matrices is to practice regularly. The more you work with them, the easier they will become to understand. There are a few different ways that you can practice with negative matrices. You can try solving math problems that involve negative matrices, or you can create your own matrices and practice adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them.

Cool math art Project -Negative Matrix Kaleidoscope

In this art project, we’ll create a kaleidoscope art piece that showcases the visual impact of negative matrices!

Materials Needed:

  • Drawing paper or canvas
  • Acrylic paints or watercolors
  • Brushes
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Circular objects for tracing (e.g., lids, cups)
  • Optional: Colored pencils or markers


  1. Setting the Stage:
    • Start with a blank canvas or drawing paper.
    • Choose a color scheme for your project. Consider using contrasting colors to make the negative matrix effect pop.
  2. Creating the Base:
    • Paint a vibrant background using your chosen colors. You can create gradients, textures, or abstract patterns.
  3. Designing the Center:
    • Choose a central circular area for your negative matrix design. Use a pencil and circular objects to draw a large circle at the center.
  4. Forming the Matrix:
    • Divide the central circle into equal sections (like slices of a pie) using a ruler. The number of sections will depend on your preference.
    • Now, draw a smaller circle within each section. These smaller circles will serve as placeholders for your negative matrix elements.
  5. Adding Negative Matrix Elements:
    • In each small circle, create a simple pattern, design, or shape using your acrylic paints or watercolors.
    • Once the paint is dry, transform these elements into negative matrix elements by multiplying the colors by -1. For example, if you used blue, change it to orange.
  6. Symmetry Magic:
    • Notice the symmetry forming as the negative matrix elements mirror each other across the central circle.
    • If desired, use colored pencils or markers to add finer details to your negative matrix elements.
    • Step back and admire your artwork. The symmetrical and vivid design demonstrates the transformative power of negative matrices.

The finished project will showcase the captivating effect of negative matrices on visual art. The symmetrical patterns and vibrant colors create an engaging representation of mathematical concepts in action.

Through this art project, you’ll not only grasp the concept of negative matrices but also experience their creative potential in a tangible and visually appealing way.

Negative Matrix Kaleidoscope
Cool math art Project -Negative Matrix Kaleidoscope



Bellow are some interesting and engaging worksheets to help you learn about negative matrices:

Introduction to Negative Matrices

Matrix A=
| 2 -5 |
| -1 3 |

Matrix B=
| -4 0 |
| 2 -7 |

1. Find the negative of Matrix A.
2. Find the negative of Matrix B.
3. What does it mean for a matrix to be negative?
4. Calculate Matrix A – Matrix B.
5. Calculate Matrix B – Matrix A.

1. Negative of Matrix A=
| -2 5 |
| 1 -3 |

2. Negative of Matrix B=
| 4 0 |
| -2 7 |

3. A matrix is considered negative if all of its elements are multiplied by -1.

4. Matrix A – Matrix B=
| 2-(-4) -5-0 |
| -1-2 3-(-7) |

| 6 -5 |
| -3 10 |

5. Matrix B – Matrix A=
| -4-2 0-(-5) |
| 2-(-1) -7-3 |

| -6 5 |
| 3 -10 |

Negative Matrices Challenge

Matrix X=
| 7 -9 |
| -2 -4 |

Matrix Y=
| 1 0 |
| -3 6 |

1. Calculate the negative of Matrix X.
2. Calculate the negative of Matrix Y.
3. Determine if Matrix X is a negative matrix.
4. Calculate Matrix X – Matrix Y.
5. Calculate Matrix Y – Matrix X.

1. Negative of Matrix X=
| -7 9 |
| 2 4 |

2. Negative of Matrix Y=
| -1 0 |
| 3 -6 |

3. Matrix X is not a negative matrix because it has both positive and negative elements.

4. Matrix X – Matrix Y=
| 7-1 -9-0 |
| -2-(-3) -4-6 |

| 6 -9 |
| 1 -10 |

5. Matrix Y – Matrix X=
| 1-7 0-(-9) |
| -3-(-2) 6-(-4) |

| -6 9 |
| -1 10 |

These worksheets will provide you with a solid foundation in understanding negative matrices and their operations. Practice these exercises to enhance your proficiency in working with matrices.


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Learn math fast Negative matrix cool math art

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