Matrix subtraction course – Examples,Best 10 tricks Learn fast & Worksheets

Matrix subtraction course – Examples,Best 10 tricks Learn fast  & Worksheets

We will discuss about matrix subtraction.

What is Matrix Subtraction?

Matrix subtraction is the process of subtracting two matrices that have the same dimensions. To subtract two matrices, we simply subtract the corresponding elements from each matrix. For example, if we have two matrices A and B, then we can subtract them as follows:

Matrix  A =

| 3 1 |
| 0 5 |

Matrix B =

| 2 2 |

| 1 4 |

Result Matrix C = A – B

C =

| 3 – 2 1 – 2 |
| 0 – 1 5 – 4 |

C =

| 1 -1 |
| -1 1 |

Properties of Matrix Subtraction

Matrix subtraction is a mathematical operation that allows us to subtract two matrices of the same dimensions. The result of matrix subtraction is a new matrix that contains the difference of the corresponding elements of the two original matrices.

The following are some important properties of matrix subtraction:

Not Commutativity

Matrix subtraction is not commutative, which means that A – B is not the same as B – A. In other words, the order in which we subtract the matrices matters.

For example, if we have the following matrices:

A =

| 2 5 |
| 3 7 |

B =

| 1 3 |
| 4 6 |

Then, A - B and B - A will not be equal to the following matrix:

A – B =

| 2-1   5-3 |
| 3-4  7-6 |

C =

| 1  2 |
| -1 1 |

B – A =

| 1-2     3-5 |
| 4-3     6-7 |

D =

| -1  -2 |
| 1   -1 |

Not Associativity

Matrix subtraction is not associative, which means that (A – B) – C is not the same as A – (B – C). Again, the order in which we group the matrices matters.

Consider three matrices A, B, and C:

A =

| 6    3 |
| 8    2 |

B =

| 2    4 |
| 5     7 |

C =

| 1    2 |
| 3    4 |

Left-Associative Subtraction: (A – B) – C

Subtract matrix B from A:

A – B =

| 6-2     3-4 |
| 8-5     2-7 |

Resulting matrix D:
D =

| 4 -1 |
| 3 -5 |

Subtract matrix C from D:

D – C =

| 4-1      -1-2 |
| 3-3     -5-4 |

Resulting matrix E:
E =

| 3    -3 |
| 0    -9 |

Right-Associative Subtraction: A – (B – C)

Subtract matrix B from C:

B – C =

| 2-1   4-2 |
| 5-3   7-4 |

Resulting matrix F:
F =

| 1    2 |
| 2   3 |

Subtract matrix F from A:

A – F =

| 6-1     3-2 |
| 8-2     2-3 |

Resulting matrix G:
G =

| 5 1 |
| 6 -1 |

Comparing E and G:

E =

| 3   -3 |
| 0   -9 |

G =

| 5   1 |
| 6  -1 |

As you can see, matrices E and G are not the same. This example clearly demonstrates that matrix subtraction is not associative. The order in which you group and subtract matrices affects the final result, showcasing the importance of understanding the properties of matrix operations.

Null matrix

The subtraction of a matrix from itself results in a null matrix. In other words, A – A = 0, where A is any matrix. This is because the difference of any element of a matrix with itself is 0.

Consider a matrix A:

A =

| a11 a12 |
| a21 a22 |

When you subtract matrix A from matrix A:

A – A =

| a11 – a11   a12 – a12 |
| a21 – a21  a22 – a22 |

Since any element subtracted from itself is zero, you’re left with a matrix of all zeros:

A – A =

| 0    0 |
| 0    0 |

Take a concrete example to illustrate this property. Consider the matrix :

B =

| 2  9 |
| 2 3 |

Subtracting B from B:

B – B =

| 2-2    9-9 |
| 2-2    3-3 |

Resulting in the null matrix **C**:

C =

| 0 0 |
| 0 0 |

This example highlights that the subtraction of a matrix from itself indeed yields a null matrix, demonstrating the inherent mathematical symmetry of this operation.


Negative of a matrix

Matrix subtraction is the addition of the negative of a matrix to another matrix. In other words, A – B = A + (-B), where -B is the negative of the matrix B. The negative of a matrix is obtained by subtracting each element of the matrix from 0.

For Example,consider a matrix B:

B =

| 2    5 |
| 7     1 |
To find the negative of matrix B, we simply change the signs of its elements:

-B =

| -2 -5 |
| -7 -1 |

Matrix subtraction is closely related to the negative of a matrix. In fact, matrix subtraction can be expressed as the addition of the negative of a matrix. In other words, A – B is the same as A + (-B), where -B is the negative of matrix B.

Subtract matrix B from matrix A:

A =

| 8 3 |
| 6 9 |

B =

| 4 1 |
| 2 7 |

Subtracting B from A:

A – B = A + (-B) =

| 8 3 | +    | -4 -1 |
| 6 9 |        | -2 -7 |

Performing addition with the negative of B:

A + (-B) =

| 8+(-4)     3+(-1) |
| 6+(-2)     9+(-7) |

Resulting matrix:
C =

| 4   2 |
| 4   2 |

This result matches the outcome of direct matrix subtraction (A – B).

Examples  matrix subtraction

1.subtract matrix B from matrix A:

A =

| 3   6 |
| 9   2 |

B =

| 1     2 |
| 3    4 |

Subtracting B from A:

A – B =

| 3-1   6-2 |
| 9-3   2-4 |

Resulting matrix:
C =

| 2     4 |
| 6    -2 |

2.Consider three matrices A, B, and C, and subtract matrix B from the result of subtracting matrix C from matrix A:

A =

| 5     8 |
| 2     6 |

B =

| 1      3 |
| 4     5 |

C =

| 2     1 |
| 3    2 |

Subtract matrix C from A:

A – C =

| 5-2       8-1 |
| 2-3      6-2 |

Resulting matrix D:
D =

| 3   7 |
| -1  4 |

Then, subtract matrix B from D:

D – B =

| 3-1     7-3 |
| -1-4   4-5 |

Resulting matrix E:
E =

| 2   4 |
| -5 -1 |

3.Demonstrate the commutative property of matrix subtraction using matrices A and B:

A =

| 7 2 |
| 4 9 |

B =

| 3 1 |
| 6 5 |

Subtracting A from B:

B – A =

| 3-7    1-2 |
| 6-4   5-9 |

Resulting matrix X:
X =

| -4    -1 |
| 2     -4 |

Now, subtracting B from A:

A – B =

| 7-3   2-1 |
| 4-6   9-5 |

Resulting matrix Y:
Y =

| 4    1 |
| -2  4 |

As you can see, matrix X and matrix Y are not the same, illustrating the non-commutative property of matrix subtraction.

Top 10 Math tricks to learn matrix subtraction fast

Learning matrix subtraction can be made easier and more enjoyable by using math tricks and strategies. Here are some tips to help you learn matrix subtraction fast:

Understand the Basics of Matrix Subtraction

Before diving into tricks, ensure you have a solid understanding of the basic concept of matrix subtraction. Make sure you know how to subtract corresponding elements and that the matrices must have the same dimensions.

Break Down Larger Matrices

If you’re dealing with larger matrices, break them down into smaller submatrices. Focus on subtracting the submatrices first and then combine them to find the result of the entire matrix subtraction.

Use Visualization

Visualize the matrices as grids and mentally subtract each corresponding element. This can help you spot patterns and relationships between the elements.

Grouping Elements

Group elements that can be subtracted easily. For example, when subtracting a scalar value from each element of a matrix, you can factor out the scalar and subtract it once.

Using Mental Math

For small matrices, practice mental math to quickly subtract elements. This skill becomes more efficient with practice.

Practice with Small Examples

Start with small matrices and practice subtraction repeatedly. Gradually work your way up to larger and more complex matrices.

Use Online Tools and Calculators

There are online matrix calculators that can perform subtraction quickly. Use these tools to check your manual calculations and learn from the step-by-step solutions they provide.

Apply Matrix Properties

Apply the properties of matrix subtraction, such as commutativity and associativity, to simplify calculations. Rearrange matrices and use these properties to your advantage.

Real-World Applications

Relate matrix subtraction to real-world scenarios where it’s used. This can help you understand its practical significance and make the learning process more engaging.

Teach Someone Else

Teaching someone else what you’ve learned is a great way to reinforce your own understanding. Explain matrix subtraction to a friend or family member, or even write a tutorial or blog post about it.

Matrix Subtraction Worksheets

Basic Matrix Subtraction

Perform the following matrix subtractions:

1. A =

| 7 3 |
| 9 5 |

B =

| 2   1|

| 4 6 |

2. X =

| 12  8 |
| 6   4 |

Y =

| 3   5 |

| 2   1 |

3. P =

| 10   2 |
| 7     4 |

Q =

| 6   9 |

| 1   3 |

1. Result=

| 5   2 |
| 5   -1 |

2. Result=

| 9   3 |
| 4   3 |

3. Result=

| 4   -7 |
| 6    1 |

Commutative Matrix Subtraction

Determine if matrix subtraction is commutative for the following pairs of matrices. Write “Commutative” if it is, and “Not Commutative” if it isn’t.

1. A =

| 4  8 |
| 3  6 |

B =

| 2 1 |

| 5  7 |

2. X =

| 9  5 |
| 7  2 |

Y =

| 3   4 |

| 6   8 |

3. P =

| 1   0 |
| 2   3 |

Q =

| 0 1 |

| 1  2 |

1. Not Commutative
2. Not Commutative
3. Not Commutative

Associative Matrix Subtraction

Rearrange the parentheses to perform the matrix subtractions in both orders and check if matrix subtraction is associative.

1. A =

| 5 3 |
| 8 6 |

B =

| 2 1 |

| 7 9 |

C =

| 1 4 |

| 6 2 |

2. X =

| 12 8 |
| 6 4 |

Y =

| 3 5 |

| 2 1 |

Z =

| 7 2 |

| 5 3 |

3. P =

| 10 2 |
| 7  4 |

Q =

| 6 9 |

| 1 3 |

R =

| 2 3 |

| 5 1 |

1. (A – B) – C = | 2   2 |
| 1  -1 |

A – (B – C) =  | 3   0 |
| 4   1 |

Not Associative

2. (X – Y) – Z = | 2 3 |
| 0 0 |

X – (Y – Z) = | 10 9 |
| 3 2 |

Not Associative

3. (P – Q) – R =

| 2 -10 |
| 0 0 |

P – (Q – R) =

| 3 -6 |
| 3 0 |

Not Associative

These worksheets provide a fun and interactive way to practice matrix subtraction and understand the concepts of commutativity and associativity. Make sure to verify your answers to further reinforce your understanding of matrix operations.

Feel free to use these worksheets to practice matrix subtraction at different difficulty levels.

Matrix Art Collage - Visualizing Matrix Subtraction
Matrix Art Collage – Visualizing Matrix Subtraction

Cool Math Art Project: Matrix Art Collage For Visualizing Matrix Subtraction

Design a “Matrix Art Collage” project that involves subtracting matrices to create a visually stunning piece of art.

Materials Needed:
– Grid paper or a digital drawing tool
– Colored pencils, markers, or digital drawing software
– Printed matrices (you can design your own or find matrices online)


1. Choose Your Matrices:
Start by selecting two matrices that you’ll use for subtraction. These matrices can be of moderate size (e.g., 3×3 or 4×4) to keep the project manageable. Write down or print out these matrices.

2. Design Your Artwork:
Decide on a theme or concept for your art collage. It could be a geometric pattern, a nature-inspired design, abstract shapes, or even a character from your favorite movie. Sketch a rough outline of your design on grid paper or your digital drawing tool.

3. Matrix Subtraction Mapping:
Overlay the grid onto your design. Assign each cell in your grid to a corresponding element in your matrices. For example, the top-left cell could represent the first element of both matrices, the cell to its right represents the second element, and so on.

4. Subtraction Process:
Begin subtracting the elements of the second matrix from the elements of the first matrix according to your grid mapping. Perform the subtraction for each cell and record the results in the corresponding cells on your grid.

5. Color Coding:
Assign different colors to positive and negative results. For instance, use warm colors (e.g., red, orange) for positive values and cool colors (e.g., blue, green) for negative values. This will create a visually striking contrast in your artwork.

6. Fill in the Colors:
Color in the cells of your grid according to the results you obtained. As you fill in the colors, you’ll see your matrix subtraction come to life as a vibrant art piece.

7. Add Details and Flourishes:
Enhance your artwork by adding details, shading, and additional design elements. You can incorporate more math concepts, such as symmetry or patterns, to further enrich your creation.

8. Reflect and Explain:
Once your Matrix Art Collage is complete, take a moment to reflect on the matrix subtraction process and how it influenced the final design. Write a brief explanation or create a small presentation discussing the matrices you used, the subtraction results, and how they contributed to the overall visual impact of your artwork.

By combining math with art, this project not only helps you understand matrix subtraction but also allows you to create a unique and visually captivating masterpiece. Whether displayed on your wall or shared with others, your Matrix Art Collage will be a testament to the beauty of math and creativity.

Use Matrix Subtraction for Inspiration and Improve Thinking in Education

Matrix subtraction is a mathematical operation that can be used to compare two matrices. It can also be used to generate new ideas and insights.

How Matrix Subtraction Can Improve Creatively Thinking 

Creatively thinking is the ability to come up with new and original ideas. It is a critical skill for students in all fields of study. Matrix subtraction can be used to improve creatively thinking by helping students to see the world in new ways.

For example, students can use matrix subtraction to compare different cultures or historical periods. This can help them to see the similarities and differences between these cultures or periods, and to generate new ideas about the world.

Matrix subtraction can also be used to help students to brainstorm new ideas for projects or assignments. By comparing different ideas or concepts, students can come up with new and innovative solutions to problems.

Here are some specific examples of how matrix subtraction can be used to improve creatively thinking in education:

  • Students can use matrix subtraction to compare different works of art. This can help them to see the different techniques and styles used by different artists, and to generate new ideas for their own art projects.
  • Students can use matrix subtraction to compare different scientific theories. This can help them to see the strengths and weaknesses of each theory, and to generate new ideas for their own scientific research.
  • Students can use matrix subtraction to compare different business strategies. This can help them to see the different approaches that businesses can take, and to generate new ideas for their own business ventures.

How Matrix Subtraction Can Improve Critical Thinking 

Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. It is a critical skill for students in all fields of study, but it is especially important for students who are studying math or science.

Matrix subtraction can be used to improve critical thinking by helping students to identify patterns and relationships. By comparing different matrices, students can see how different variables interact with each other. This can help them to make better decisions and to solve problems more effectively.

Matrix subtraction can also be used to help students to evaluate arguments. By comparing different arguments, students can see the strengths and weaknesses of each argument. This can help them to form their own opinions and to make better decisions.

Here are some specific examples of how matrix subtraction can be used to improve critical thinking in education:

  • Students can use matrix subtraction to analyze data sets. This can help them to identify trends and patterns in the data, and to make better decisions based on the data.
  • Students can use matrix subtraction to solve math problems. This can help them to develop their problem-solving skills and to think more critically about math problems.
  • Students can use matrix subtraction to evaluate scientific experiments. This can help them to understand the results of the experiments and to draw conclusions from the results.

How Matrix Subtraction Can Improve Philosophical Thinking 

Philosophical thinking is the ability to think about big questions about the world. It is a critical skill for students who want to understand the world around them.

Matrix subtraction can be used to improve philosophical thinking by helping students to see the world in new ways. By comparing different ideas or concepts, students can come up with new and innovative ways to think about the world.

Matrix subtraction can also be used to help students to challenge their own assumptions. By comparing different perspectives, students can see that there is more than one way to think about the world. This can help them to become more open-minded and to think more critically about the world around them.

Here are some specific examples of how matrix subtraction can be used to improve philosophical thinking in education:

  • Students can use matrix subtraction to compare different religions or philosophies. This can help them to understand the different beliefs and values of these religions or philosophies, and to come up with their own ideas about the meaning of life.
  • Students can use matrix subtraction to compare different political ideologies. This can help them to understand the different views on government and society, and to develop their own political beliefs.
  • Students can use matrix subtraction to compare different ethical theories. This can help them to understand the different approaches to ethics, and to develop their own moral code.

Matrix subtraction is a valuable tool for understanding how matrices change relative to each other, making it a versatile operation that finds its place in a wide range of mathematical and practical scenarios.

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Matrix subtractioncool math art Learn math fast project
Learn math fast Matrix subtractioncool math art  project

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